9 October 2009

Cloudy Jelly

The usual advice is to stick the boiled up fruit in a bag and leave to drip. Don’t squeeze the bag, or it will be cloudy. Well, my investigations have found that it’s not really the lack of bag squeezing the helps to get clear jelly. It’s the leaving it overnight. You then take the liquor off any sediment that’s fallen to the bottom of the bucket.

I just did my annual crab apple jelly. 8lbs of crab apples. For one batch I let it drip into a bucket, didn’t squeeze and made the jam immediately. The result was pretty cloudy. For the other, I squeezed that first bag and strained through a bit more, which also got a really good squeeze. I then left it in the fridge for a day, because I was tired of making jelly. The bits all settled to the bottom, and the result is perfectly clear. So – you can squeeze the bag, so long as you leave it to settle.

Oh, and crab apple and haw jelly isn’t great. The haws smell like sardines whilst cooking, and make a very sharp jelly. Maybe I stuck too many in. Still, it’s not ruined, just not really worth the bother when the straight stuff tastes so good.

There, a dumb entry to get this thing going again. I’ve been busy, and not programmed much.

12 February 2009

Shuffle things in .Net

Shuffling is complicated. There are two nice pages on CodingHorror:



The second link shows a chart of the counts of the different possible draws from a  card pack when you do it a few hundred thousand times. This detects the bias of an algorithm.


How not to shuffle # 1

Here we go for the approach of picking a number at random, seeing if we have selected it already, adding it to the selected numbers if we haven't, and picking another if we have.

Public Class Form1

    Private Shared rand As New Random
    Private dic As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Integer)
    Dim tb As New TextBox With {.Dock = DockStyle.Fill, .Multiline = True}

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim sw As Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew
        Dim shuffled(9999999)() As Integer
        For i As Integer = 0 To shuffled.GetUpperBound(0)
            shuffled(i) = GetShuffledDeck(4)
        For i As Integer = 0 To shuffled.GetUpperBound(0)
            Dim key As Integer = shuffled(i)(0) + shuffled(i)(1) * 10 + shuffled(i)(2) * 100 + shuffled(i)(3) * 1000
            If dic.ContainsKey(key) Then
                dic(key) = dic(key) + 1
                dic.Add(key, 1)
            End If
        Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
        sb.AppendLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString & "ms.")
        For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Integer) In dic
            sb.Append(kvp.ToString & " ")
        tb.Text = sb.ToString
    End Sub

    Function GetShuffledDeck(ByVal numCards As Integer) As Integer()
        Dim cards(numCards - 1) As Integer
        For index As Integer = 0 To cards.Length - 1 ' BTW (cards.Length - 1) will be optimized.
            Dim card As Integer
                ' We don't want two identical cards.
                card = rand.Next(1, numCards + 1)
            Loop While cards.Contains(card)
            cards(index) = card
        Return cards
    End Function

End Class

This is slow, (O(n^2). My results:

[4312, 416350] [3241, 417266] [4231, 417358] [3214, 416887]
[2134, 416303] [3421, 416548] [4321, 415916] [1324, 415585]
[1234, 417627] [3412, 416762] [4132, 415979] [1432, 416423]
[2143, 416603] [3142, 416542] [1423, 417515] [2314, 416934]
[2341, 417028] [1243, 416388] [2431, 415852] [1342, 417022]
[2413, 416309] [4213, 418019] [3124, 417387] [4123, 415397]

They don't look biased. Standard deviation from the mean is 653.
Certainly not as much as those on the codinghorror site. Let's redo that one...

How not to shuffle # 2

Using the same code with a different shuffle function:

Function GetShuffledDeck(ByVal numCards As Integer) As Integer()
    Dim cards(numCards - 1) As Integer
    For i As Integer = 0 To cards.Length - 1
        cards(i) = i + 1
    For i As Integer = 0 To cards.Length - 1
        Dim n As Integer = rand.Next(cards.Length)
        Dim temp As Integer = cards(i)
        cards(i) = cards(n)
        cards(n) = temp
    Return cards
End Function

[1234, 390450] [1243, 390582] [1324, 312355] [1342, 429289]
[1423, 429646] [1432, 547601] [2134, 390203] [2143, 429178]
[2314, 351753] [2341, 351524] [2413, 429756] [2431, 545840]
[3124, 350694] [3142, 430600] [3214, 312704] [3241, 430164]
[3412, 586053] [3421, 391312] [4123, 351567] [4132, 546387]
[4213, 429804] [4231, 391291] [4312, 390192] [4321, 391055]

There's bias there. s.d. = 71880!!!

How to shuffle # 1 - Knuth shuffle / Fisher-Yates

Here I initialize the Random object with a cryptographically strong seed. Bit better than the default? The default uses the Environment.TickCount, which could be used to work out likely starting seed values.... Not likely to actually happen....
The main difference is the algorithm though, which no longer introduces bias.

Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class Form1

    Private Shared rand As Random
    Private dic As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Integer)
    Dim tb As New TextBox With {.Dock = DockStyle.Fill, .Multiline = True}

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        ' get a random seed rather than using the default Random constructor, which
        ' just uses the Environment.TickCount
        Dim rng As New RNGCryptoServiceProvider
        Dim seedBytes(3) As Byte
        rand = New Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(seedBytes, 0))
        Dim sw As Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew
        Dim shuffled(9999999)() As Integer
        For i As Integer = 0 To shuffled.GetUpperBound(0)
            shuffled(i) = GetShuffledDeck(4)
        For i As Integer = 0 To shuffled.GetUpperBound(0)
            Dim key As Integer = shuffled(i)(0) + shuffled(i)(1) * 10 + shuffled(i)(2) * 100 + shuffled(i)(3) * 1000
            If dic.ContainsKey(key) Then
                dic(key) = dic(key) + 1
                dic.Add(key, 1)
            End If
        Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
        sb.AppendLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString & "ms.")
        Dim keys As New List(Of Integer)(dic.Keys)
        For Each key As Integer In keys
            sb.AppendFormat("[{0}, {1}] ", key, dic(key))
        tb.Text = sb.ToString
    End Sub

    Function GetShuffledDeck(ByVal numCards As Integer) As Integer()
        Dim cards(numCards - 1) As Integer
        For i As Integer = 0 To cards.Length - 1
            cards(i) = i + 1
        For i As Integer = cards.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
            Dim n As Integer = rand.Next(i + 1)
            Dim temp As Integer = cards(i)
            cards(i) = cards(n)
            cards(n) = temp
        Return cards
    End Function

End Class

[1234, 417700] [1243, 416060] [1324, 416157] [1342, 416886]
[1423, 416348] [1432, 416439] [2134, 416352] [2143, 417366]
[2314, 416459] [2341, 417555] [2413, 417086] [2431, 416996]
[3124, 415841] [3142, 417191] [3214, 416693] [3241, 416009]
[3412, 416599] [3421, 416026] [4123, 416222] [4132, 416616]
[4213, 416332] [4231, 417548] [4312, 417035] [4321, 416484]

Bias free. s.d. = 526

How to shuffle # 2 - Sorting with a GUID

Again we can just alter the function:

Function GetShuffledDeck(ByVal numCards As Integer) As Integer()
    Dim cards = Enumerable.Range(1, numCards)
    cards = cards.OrderBy(Function(x) Guid.NewGuid)
    Return cards.ToArray
End Function

[1234, 417906] [1243, 416614] [1324, 416582] [1342, 416302]
[1423, 416529] [1432, 416558] [2134, 416695] [2143, 416061]
[2314, 417049] [2341, 415870] [2413, 416690] [2431, 417183]
[3124, 415954] [3142, 416735] [3214, 415955] [3241, 415697]
[3412, 417235] [3421, 416427] [4123, 417626] [4132, 417726]
[4213, 417010] [4231, 415691] [4312, 418397] [4321, 415508]

Slow again. s.d. = 733

How to shuffle # 2 - Sorting with a load of random Doubles
Option Infer On

Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class Form1

    Private Shared rand As Random
    Private dic As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Integer)
    Private tb As New TextBox With {.Dock = DockStyle.Fill, .Multiline = True}
    Private rng As New RNGCryptoServiceProvider

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim sw As Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew
        Dim shuffled(9999999)() As Integer
        For i As Integer = 0 To shuffled.GetUpperBound(0)
            shuffled(i) = GetShuffledDeck(4)
        For i As Integer = 0 To shuffled.GetUpperBound(0)
            Dim key As Integer = shuffled(i)(0) + shuffled(i)(1) * 10 + shuffled(i)(2) * 100 + shuffled(i)(3) * 1000
            If dic.ContainsKey(key) Then
                dic(key) = dic(key) + 1
                dic.Add(key, 1)
            End If
        Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
        sb.AppendLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString & "ms.")
        Dim keys As New List(Of Integer)(dic.Keys)
        For Each key As Integer In keys
            sb.AppendFormat("[{0}, {1}] ", key, dic(key))
        tb.Text = sb.ToString
    End Sub

    Function GetShuffledDeck(ByVal numCards As Integer) As Integer()
        Dim cards = Enumerable.Range(1, numCards)
        cards = cards.OrderBy(Function(x) RandomDouble(x))
        Return cards.ToArray
    End Function

    ' This returns a function that creates a random double. The Integer bit is just ignored. 
    Private Function RandomDouble() As Func(Of Integer, Double)
        ' 8 bytes for the double. 
        Dim bytes(7) As Byte
        ' Get cryptographically strong random bytes into the array.       
        ' The function uses the bytes to create a double. x is ignored. 
        Dim getDouble = Function(x As Integer) BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 0)
        Return getDouble
    End Function

End Class

[1234, 416945] [1243, 416314] [1324, 416742]
[1342, 416652] [1423, 417382] [1432, 416208]
[2134, 417577] [2143, 416464] [2314, 415925]
[2341, 416543] [2413, 416615] [2431, 418076]
[3124, 416493] [3142, 415963] [3214, 417219]
[3241, 415923] [3412, 416774] [3421, 417394]
[4123, 416466] [4132, 416706] [4213, 415900]
[4231, 416736] [4312, 415534] [4321, 417449]

Slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. - The cryptographic random numbers are very expensive!

s.d. = 605


So there you go. But, it's interesting to note atma's comments about experienced card players - they don't like their cards shuffled by the computer, they prefer human shuffled cards and can tell the difference.

9 February 2009

Rotated Rectangle Collision – VB.Net

I translated some C code by Oren Becker that determines if two rotated RectangleFs are overlapping. The rectangles are defined by their centre, size and angle of rotation. In the original code the size was actually (Width / 2, Height / 2) which was confusing.

Public Structure RotatedRectangleF

    Public Const Pi As Single = CType(Math.PI, Single)

    Private m_centre As PointF
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the coordinates of the centre of this RotatedRectangleF structure.
    ''' </summary>    
    ''' <returns>
    ''' A System.Drawing.PointF that represents the centre of this RotatedRectangleF structure.
    ''' </returns>
    Public Property Centre() As PointF
            Return m_centre
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As PointF)
            m_centre = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private m_size As SizeF
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the size of this RotatedRectangleF.
    ''' </summary>    
    ''' <returns>
    ''' A System.Drawing.SizeF that represents the width and height of this RotatedRectangleF structure.
    ''' </returns>
    Public Property Size() As SizeF
            Return m_size
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As SizeF)
            m_size = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private m_angle As Single
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the angle in degrees measured clockwise from the x-axis that this RotatedRectangleF structure is rotated.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns>
    ''' A Single representing the angle in degrees measured clockwise from the x-axis that this RotatedRectangleF structure is rotated.
    ''' </returns>
    Public Property Angle() As Single
            Return m_angle
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Single)
            m_angle = value
        End Set
    End Property

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Initializes a new instance of the RotatedRectangleF stucture with the specified centre, size and angle.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="centre">The centre of the RotatedRectangleF instance.</param>
    ''' <param name="size">The size of the RotatedRectangleF instance.</param>
    ''' <param name="angle">The angle in degrees clockwise from the x-axis that this RotatedRectangleF is rotated.</param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Sub New(ByVal centre As PointF, ByVal size As SizeF, ByVal angle As Single)
        Me.Centre = centre
        Me.Size = size
        Me.Angle = angle
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Render this RotatedRectangle using the provided System.Drawing.Graphics object.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="g">The System.Drawing.Graphics object with which to draw the RotatedRectangleF.</param>    
    Public Sub Render(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal p As Pen)
        g.TranslateTransform(Me.Centre.X, Me.Centre.Y)
        g.DrawRectangle(p, -Me.Size.Width / 2.0F, -Me.Size.Height / 2.0F, Me.Size.Width, Me.Size.Height)
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Determines whether two RotatedRectangleF structures intersect.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="rr1">The first RotatedRectangleF structure.</param>
    ''' <param name="rr2">The second RotatedRectangleF structure.</param>
    ''' <returns>True if the two RotatedRectangleF structures intersect, False otherwise.</returns>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' Conversion of code by Oren Becker, 2001
    ''' http://www.ragestorm.net/tutorial?id=22
    ''' </remarks>
    Public Shared Function Intersect(ByVal rr1 As RotatedRectangleF, ByVal rr2 As RotatedRectangleF) As Boolean

        ' Change our structure to match the one in the other code.
        ' Angle in radians, size is (width / 2, height / 2)
        rr1 = New RotatedRectangleF(rr1.Centre, New SizeF(rr1.Size.Width / 2, rr1.Size.Height / 2), DegreesToRadians(rr1.Angle))
        rr2 = New RotatedRectangleF(rr2.Centre, New SizeF(rr2.Size.Width / 2, rr2.Size.Height / 2), DegreesToRadians(rr2.Angle))

        Dim ang As Single = rr1.Angle - rr2.Angle ' orientation of rotated rr1
        Dim cosA As Single = CType(Math.Cos(ang), Single) ' precalculated trigonometic -
        Dim sinA As Single = CType(Math.Sin(ang), Single) ' - values for repeated use

        Dim x, a1 As Single ' temporary variables for various uses 
        Dim dx As Single ' deltaX for linear equations
        Dim ext1, ext2 As Single ' // min/max vertical values

        ' move rr2 to make rr1 cannonic        
        Dim C As New PointF(rr2.Centre.X - rr1.Centre.X, rr2.Centre.Y - rr1.Centre.Y)

        ' rotate rr2 clockwise by rr2->ang to make rr2 axis-aligned
        RotatePointFClockwise(C, rr2.Angle)        

        ' calculate vertices of (moved and axis-aligned := 'ma') rr2
        Dim BL As PointF = C - rr2.Size        
        Dim TR As PointF = C + rr2.Size

        ' calculate vertices of (rotated := 'r') rr1
        Dim A, B As PointF ' vertices of rr2   
        A.X = -rr1.Size.Height * sinA
        B.X = A.X
        Dim temp1 As Single = rr1.Size.Width * cosA
        A.X = A.X + temp1
        B.X = B.X - temp1

        A.Y = rr1.Size.Height * cosA
        B.Y = A.Y
        temp1 = rr1.Size.Width * sinA
        A.Y = A.Y + temp1
        B.Y = B.Y - temp1

        temp1 = sinA * cosA

        ' verify that A is vertical min/max, B is horizontal min/max
        If temp1 < 0 Then
            temp1 = A.X
            A.X = B.X
            B.X = temp1
            temp1 = A.Y
            A.Y = B.Y
            B.Y = temp1
        End If

        ' verify that B is horizontal minimum (leftest-vertex)
        If sinA < 0 Then
            B.X = -B.X
            B.Y = -B.Y
        End If

        ' if rr2(ma) isn't in the horizontal range of
        ' colliding with rr1(r), collision is impossible
        If (B.X > TR.X) OrElse (B.X > -BL.X) Then Return False

        ' if rr1(r) is axis-aligned, vertical min/max are easy to get
        If (temp1 = 0) Then
            ext1 = A.Y
            ext2 = -ext1
            ' else, find vertical min/max in the range [BL.x, TR.x]
            x = BL.X - A.X
            a1 = TR.X - A.X
            ext1 = A.Y
            ' if the first vertical min/max isn't in (BL.x, TR.x), then
            ' find the vertical min/max on BL.x or on TR.x
            If a1 * x > 0 Then
                dx = A.X
                If x < 0 Then
                    dx -= B.X
                    ext1 -= B.Y
                    x = a1
                    dx += B.X
                    ext1 += B.Y
                End If
                ext1 *= x
                ext1 /= dx
                ext1 += A.Y
            End If

            x = BL.X + A.X
            a1 = TR.X + A.X
            ext2 = -A.Y
            ' if the second vertical min/max isn't in (BL.x, TR.x), then
            ' find the local vertical min/max on BL.x or on TR.x
            If a1 * x > 0 Then
                dx = -A.X
                If x < 0 Then
                    dx -= B.X
                    ext2 -= B.Y
                    x = a1
                    dx += B.X
                    ext2 += B.Y
                End If
                ext2 *= x
                ext2 /= dx
                ext2 -= A.Y
            End If
        End If

        ' check whether rr2(ma) is in the vertical range of colliding with rr1(r)
        ' (for the horizontal range of rr2)
        Return Not ((ext1 < BL.Y AndAlso ext2 < BL.Y) OrElse (ext1 > TR.Y AndAlso ext2 > TR.Y))
    End Function

    Private Shared Function DegreesToRadians(ByVal degrees As Single) As Single
        Return degrees * Pi / 180
    End Function

    Private Shared Sub RotatePointFClockwise(ByRef point As PointF, ByVal radians As Single)
        Dim temp As Single = point.X
        Dim cosAngle As Single = CType(Math.Cos(radians), Single)
        Dim sinAngle As Single = CType(Math.Sin(radians), Single)
        point.X = temp * cosAngle + point.Y * sinAngle
        point.Y = -temp * sinAngle + point.Y * cosAngle
    End Sub

    Public Shared Operator =(ByVal rr1 As RotatedRectangleF, ByVal rr2 As RotatedRectangleF) As Boolean
        Return (rr1.Centre = rr2.Centre) AndAlso (rr1.Angle = rr2.Angle) AndAlso (rr1.Size = rr2.Size)
    End Operator

    Public Shared Operator <>(ByVal rr1 As RotatedRectangleF, ByVal rr2 As RotatedRectangleF) As Boolean
        Return Not (rr1 = rr2)
    End Operator

End Structure
And a Form1.vb to demonstrate it:
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D

Public Class Form1

    Private selected As Integer = 1
    Private rec1 As New RotatedRectangleF(New PointF(50, -150), New SizeF(100, 100), 10)
    Private rec2 As New RotatedRectangleF(New Point(50, -200), New SizeF(25, 100), 55)
    Private message As String
    Private messageFont As New Font("Courier New", 10, FontStyle.Regular)
    Private selectedRectanglePen As Pen = Pens.Red
    Private unselectedRectanglePen As Pen = Pens.Black

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        message = "Arrow keys / mouse down to move" & vbCrLf
        message &= "Space to select other rectangle." & vbCrLf
        message &= "z x / mouse wheel to rotate."
        Me.DoubleBuffered = True
        Me.ClientSize = New Size(800, 800)
        Me.Text = RotatedRectangleF.Intersect(rec1, rec2).ToString
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
        Select Case e.KeyData
            Case Keys.Left
            Case Keys.Right
            Case Keys.Up
            Case Keys.Down
            Case Keys.Z
            Case Keys.X
            Case Keys.Space
                If selected = 1 Then
                    selected = 2
                    selected = 1
                End If
        End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub MouseDidSomething(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseMove, Me.MouseDown
        If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
            Dim pos As New PointF(CSng(e.X - Me.ClientSize.Width / 2), CSng(e.Y - Me.ClientSize.Height / 2))
            If selected = 1 Then
                rec1.Centre = pos
                rec2.Centre = pos
            End If
            Me.Text = RotatedRectangleF.Intersect(rec1, rec2).ToString
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_MouseWheel(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseWheel
        If e.Delta > 0 Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub RotateSelected(ByVal change As Single)
        If selected = 1 Then
            rec1.Angle += change
            rec2.Angle += change
        End If
        Me.Text = RotatedRectangleF.Intersect(rec1, rec2).ToString
    End Sub

    Private Sub MoveSelectedHorizontally(ByVal change As Single)
        If selected = 1 Then
            rec1.Centre = New PointF(rec1.Centre.X + change, rec1.Centre.Y)
            rec2.Centre = New PointF(rec2.Centre.X + change, rec2.Centre.Y)
        End If
        Me.Text = RotatedRectangleF.Intersect(rec1, rec2).ToString
    End Sub

    Private Sub MoveSelectedVertically(ByVal change As Single)
        If selected = 1 Then
            rec1.Centre = New PointF(rec1.Centre.X, rec1.Centre.Y + change)
            rec2.Centre = New PointF(rec2.Centre.X, rec2.Centre.Y + change)
        End If
        Me.Text = RotatedRectangleF.Intersect(rec1, rec2).ToString
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
        e.Graphics.DrawString(message, messageFont, Brushes.Gray, 10, 10)
        e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(Me.ClientSize.Width \ 2, Me.ClientSize.Height \ 2)
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, -Me.ClientSize.Width \ 2, 0, Me.ClientSize.Width \ 2, 0)
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, 0, -Me.ClientSize.Height \ 2, 0, +Me.ClientSize.Height \ 2)
        Dim store As Matrix = e.Graphics.Transform
        If selected = 1 Then
            rec2.Render(e.Graphics, unselectedRectanglePen)
            e.Graphics.Transform = store
            rec1.Render(e.Graphics, selectedRectanglePen)
            rec1.Render(e.Graphics, unselectedRectanglePen)
            e.Graphics.Transform = store
            rec2.Render(e.Graphics, selectedRectanglePen)
        End If
    End Sub


End Class

2 February 2009

VB.Net - Enumerate the windows update history using the windows update api

Someone in the forum wanted to get the Description for each windows update, and WMI/the registry were no help. They were going to try to dig the information out of "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb", which is undocumented. Some people say it is a Jet database, but I'm not sure. Exchange server uses that extension too.

Anyway the windows update api will do it. This pic shows the interfaces involved:


First you need to get an IUpdateSession. That has a CreateUpdateSearcher method to get an IUpdateSearcher. That has GetTotalHistoryCount to get the number of IUpdateHistoryEntry items inside the IUpdateHistoryCollection. To get the collection you call QueryHistory on the IUpdateSearcher, passing in the count from before. Each IUpdateHistoryEntry has a bunch of properties, some of which have custom types, but they are all simple to retrieve. To get your hands on the interfaces, the easiest way is to use tlbimp from the Visual studio command line (or the one with the platform sdk, or the one with the framework sdk). Copy the wuapi.dll file from .../Windows/System32 to some directory of your choice, navigate there and run...
tlbimp.exe wuapi.dll /out=WUApiInterop.dll

This creates managed signatures for all the COM interfaces in wuapi.dll and sticks them in WuApiInterop.dll. You can  then create a windows forms project, add a reference to WuApiInterop.dll and get your paws on all the interfaces. I made a .Net dll that has a friendly version of the IUpdateHistoryEntry object, and a method to return a collection of them. This is the code that gets the information.

    <SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags:=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)> _
    Public Shared Function GetHistory() As ReadOnlyCollection(Of HistoryItem)
        Dim session As UpdateSession = Nothing
        Dim searcher As IUpdateSearcher = Nothing
            session = New UpdateSession
            If session Is Nothing Then Throw New InvalidOperationException("Couln't create an IUpdateSearcher.")
            searcher = session.CreateUpdateSearcher
            If session IsNot Nothing Then Marshal.ReleaseComObject(session)
        End Try
        If searcher Is Nothing Then Throw New InvalidOperationException("Couldn't create an IUpdateSession.")
        Dim count As Integer = searcher.GetTotalHistoryCount
        If count = 0 Then
            Return New ReadOnlyCollection(Of HistoryItem)(Nothing)
        End If
        Dim historyCollection As IUpdateHistoryEntryCollection = Nothing
            historyCollection = searcher.QueryHistory(0, count)
        End Try
        If historyCollection Is Nothing Then Throw New InvalidOperationException("Couldn't get an IUpdateHistoryEntryCollection.")
        Dim items As New List(Of HistoryItem)(count)
            For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
                Dim item As IUpdateHistoryEntry = historyCollection.Item(i)
                Dim friendlyItem As New HistoryItem
                With friendlyItem
                    .ClientApplicationId = item.ClientApplicationID
                    .Date = item.Date
                    .Description = item.Description
                    .HResult = item.HResult
                    Select Case item.Operation
                        Case WUApiInterop.UpdateOperation.uoInstallation
                            .Operation = UpdateOperation.Installation
                        Case WUApiInterop.UpdateOperation.uoUninstallation
                            .Operation = UpdateOperation.Uninstallation
                    End Select
                    Select Case item.ResultCode
                        Case WUApiInterop.OperationResultCode.orcAborted
                            .ResultCode = OperationResultCode.Aborted
                        Case WUApiInterop.OperationResultCode.orcFailed
                            .ResultCode = OperationResultCode.Failed
                        Case WUApiInterop.OperationResultCode.orcInProgress
                            .ResultCode = OperationResultCode.InProgress
                        Case WUApiInterop.OperationResultCode.orcNotStarted
                            .ResultCode = OperationResultCode.NotStarted
                        Case WUApiInterop.OperationResultCode.orcSucceeded
                            .ResultCode = OperationResultCode.Succeeded
                        Case WUApiInterop.OperationResultCode.orcSucceededWithErrors
                            .ResultCode = OperationResultCode.SucceededWithErrors
                    End Select
                    Select Case item.ServerSelection
                        Case WUApiInterop.ServerSelection.ssDefault
                            .ServerSelection = ServerSelection.Default
                        Case WUApiInterop.ServerSelection.ssManagedServer
                            .ServerSelection = ServerSelection.ManagedServer
                        Case WUApiInterop.ServerSelection.ssOthers
                            .ServerSelection = ServerSelection.Others
                        Case WUApiInterop.ServerSelection.ssWindowsUpdate
                            .ServerSelection = ServerSelection.WindowsUpdate
                    End Select
                    .ServiceId = item.ServiceID
                    Uri.TryCreate(item.SupportUrl, UriKind.Absolute, .SupportUrl)
                    .Title = item.Title
                    .UninstallationNotes = item.UninstallationNotes
                    .UninstallationSteps = New System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
                    For j As Integer = 0 To item.UninstallationSteps.Count - 1
                    .UnmappedResultCode = item.UnmappedResultCode
                    Dim identity As New UpdateIdentity(item.UpdateIdentity.RevisionNumber, item.UpdateIdentity.UpdateID)
                    .UpdateIdentity = identity
                End With
        End Try
        Return New ReadOnlyCollection(Of HistoryItem)(items)
    End Function

Attached is an example project:

23 January 2009

Set default Wave Out Audio Device - VB.Net / DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_SET

You can set the default audio playback device in windows 2000, Me, and XP with the DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_SET message, which is sent with waveOutMessage().

It doesn't work on vista - you get MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED (8), returned.
You can do it in Vista - see http://vachanger.sourceforge.net/

Anyway, the code uses the Windows Media .Net library.

Imports MultiMedia ' http://windowsmedianet.sourceforge.net/
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.ComponentModel

Public Class Form1

    Private DevicesComboBox As New ComboBox
    Private DefaultDeviceLabel As New Label
    Private WithEvents SetDefaultButton As New Button
    Private Const DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_GET As Integer = &H2015
    Private Const DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_SET As Integer = &H2016
    Private WAVE_MAPPER As New IntPtr(-1)

    ' This just brings together a device ID and a WaveOutCaps so 
    ' that we can store them in a combobox.
    Private Structure WaveOutDevice

        Private m_id As Integer
        Public Property Id() As Integer
                Return m_id
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                m_id = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Private m_caps As WaveOutCaps
        Public Property WaveOutCaps() As WaveOutCaps
                Return m_caps
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As WaveOutCaps)
                m_caps = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Sub New(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal caps As WaveOutCaps)
            m_id = id
            m_caps = caps
        End Sub

        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
            Return WaveOutCaps.szPname
        End Function

    End Structure

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        ' I do use the IDE for this stuff normally... (in case anyone is wondering)
        Me.Controls.AddRange(New Control() {DevicesComboBox, DefaultDeviceLabel, SetDefaultButton})
        DevicesComboBox.Location = New Point(5, 5)
        DevicesComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
        DevicesComboBox.Width = Me.ClientSize.Width - 10
        DevicesComboBox.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Right
        DefaultDeviceLabel.Location = New Point(DevicesComboBox.Left, DevicesComboBox.Bottom + 5)
        DefaultDeviceLabel.AutoSize = True
        SetDefaultButton.Location = New Point(DefaultDeviceLabel.Left, DefaultDeviceLabel.Bottom + 5)
        SetDefaultButton.Text = "Set Default"
        SetDefaultButton.AutoSize = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub RefreshInformation()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PopulateDeviceComboBox()
        ' How many wave out devices are there? WaveOutGetNumDevs API call.
        Dim waveOutDeviceCount As Integer = waveOut.GetNumDevs()
        For i As Integer = 0 To waveOutDeviceCount - 1
            Dim caps As New WaveOutCaps
            ' Get a name - its in a WAVEOUTCAPS structure. 
            ' The name is truncated to 31 chars by the api call. You probably have to 
            ' dig around in the registry to get the full name.
            Dim result As Integer = waveOut.GetDevCaps(i, caps, Marshal.SizeOf(caps))
            If result <> MMSYSERR.NoError Then
                Dim err As MMSYSERR = DirectCast(result, MMSYSERR)
                Throw New Win32Exception("GetDevCaps() error, Result: " & result.ToString("x8") & ", " & err.ToString)
            End If
            DevicesComboBox.Items.Add(New WaveOutDevice(i, caps))
        DevicesComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0
    End Sub

    Private Sub DisplayDefaultWaveOutDevice()
        Dim currentDefault As Integer = GetIdOfDefaultWaveOutDevice()
        Dim device As WaveOutDevice = DirectCast(DevicesComboBox.Items(currentDefault), WaveOutDevice)
        DefaultDeviceLabel.Text = "Defualt: " & device.WaveOutCaps.szPname
    End Sub

    Private Function GetIdOfDefaultWaveOutDevice() As Integer        
        Dim id As Integer = 0
        Dim hId As IntPtr
        Dim flags As Integer = 0
        Dim hFlags As IntPtr
        Dim result As Integer
            ' It would be easier to declare a nice overload with ByRef Integers.
            hId = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4)
            hFlags = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4)
            ' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb981557.aspx
            result = waveOut.Message(WAVE_MAPPER, DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_GET, hId, hFlags)
            If result <> MMSYSERR.NoError Then
                Dim err As MMSYSERR = DirectCast(result, MMSYSERR)
                Throw New Win32Exception("waveOutMessage() error, Result: " & result.ToString("x8") & ", " & err.ToString)
            End If
            id = Marshal.ReadInt32(hId)
            flags = Marshal.ReadInt32(hFlags)
        End Try
        ' There is only one flag, DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_FLAGS_PREFERREDONLY, defined as 1
        ' "When the DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_FLAGS_PREFERREDONLY flag bit is set, ... blah ...,  
        ' the waveIn and waveOut APIs use only the current preferred device and do not search 
        ' for other available devices if the preferred device is unavailable. 
        Return id
    End Function

    Private Sub SetDefaultButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SetDefaultButton.Click
        If DevicesComboBox.Items.Count = 0 Then Return
        Dim selectedDevice As WaveOutDevice = DirectCast(DevicesComboBox.SelectedItem, WaveOutDevice)
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetDefault(ByVal id As Integer)
        Dim defaultId As Integer = GetIdOfDefaultWaveOutDevice()
        If defaultId = id Then Return ' no change.
        Dim result As Integer
        ' So here we say "change the Id of the device that has id id to 0", which makes it the default.
        result = waveOut.Message(WAVE_MAPPER, DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_SET, New IntPtr(id), IntPtr.Zero)
        If result <> MMSYSERR.NoError Then
            Dim err As MMSYSERR = DirectCast(result, MMSYSERR)
            Throw New Win32Exception("waveOutMessage() error, Result: " & result.ToString("x8") & ", " & err.ToString)
        End If
    End Sub

End Class

15 January 2009

Enable/Disable a device programmatically with VB.Net using the setup api.

Very quickly...

Check in device manager to see if the device has "Disable" as an option when you R click it. If so then look at the properties, and find the "class guid" and "device instance id".

1) Get a handle to a device info set using SetupDiGetClassDevs - this will get all devices in a class.
2) Get device info data for each device in the class using SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo
3) Get the device instance id for each device using the device info data from (2) and SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId.
4) Fill in a structure to say you want a property change and call SetupDiSetClassInstallParams. This sets the property in the device info set.
5) Call SetupDiCallClassInstaller to get the installer to make the changes stick.

9 January 2009

Font choice -> dumb bug

Oh wonderful. I thought I was doing something seriously wrong whilst trying to record sound. WaveInOpen takes a flag value, I wanted to specify that it should callback a function and read it as:

#define CALLBACK_FUNCTION   0x000300001

where it is actually

#define CALLBACK_FUNCTION   0x00030000l 

Big difference eh. 1 vs L. The L specifies a C Long (32 bit integer).

I ended up sending two flags then, 0x300000 and 0x1. 0x1 tells it to just query - "can the device be opened" - without actually opening it. 0x300000 isn't defined. In testing it did call my callback function about 1 time in 3, the other 2 times it just crashed without error. So I though it was because I was doing the wrong thing in the callback. Argh.