12 April 2018

XmlDictionary bug

I think this is a bug in the .Net framwork.

When you serialize a class you convert its properties and values into a big string of xml, or a blob of binary data that uses less memory. The data will always contain the name of the class, xml namespaces and the names of the properties. We could make the data shorter if we substituted tokens for all these strings.

This code...

 writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateBinaryWriter(stream, dic)

..will create an XmlDictionaryWriter that uses the XmlDictionary provided to perform this substitution. The problem is, that when I tried it, the binary data was the same length as when I did it without the dictionary -- the dictionary did nothing.

Digging into the reference source I discovered that the serializer will call TryLookup on the XmlDictionary to get the data required for the substitution:

 public virtual bool TryLookup(XmlDictionaryString value, out XmlDictionaryString result)
            if (value == null)
                throw System.Runtime.Serialization.DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new ArgumentNullException("value"));
            if (value.Dictionary != this)
                result = null;
                return false;
            result = value;
            return true;

 The problem is that this was always true:
value.Dictionary != this....

Nearly every instance of XmlDictionaryString had it's own dictionary at the time of serialization. If you test the XmlDictionaryStirng objects just after creating them, then they have the expected dictionary - the one that you set. It must get changed during serialization.

I'm using VB.Net, so I simply re-implemented that class and skipped that check, see below.

The dictionary also useful to find out exactly which strings can be tokenized - just dump out value.value to get the parts of the xml that it wants to shorten.

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Xml

Public Class MyDIck
  Implements IXmlDictionary

  Dim lookup As Dictionary(Of String, XmlDictionaryString)
  Dim strings() As XmlDictionaryString
  Dim nextId As Integer

  Sub New()
    lookup = New Dictionary(Of String, XmlDictionaryString)
  End Sub

  Public Sub New(capacity As Integer)
    lookup = New Dictionary(Of String, XmlDictionaryString)(capacity)
    strings = New XmlDictionaryString(capacity - 1) {}
  End Sub

  Public Function Add(value As String) As XmlDictionaryString
    Dim str As XmlDictionaryString = Nothing
    If lookup.TryGetValue(value, str) = False Then
      If strings Is Nothing Then
        strings = New XmlDictionaryString(3) {}
      ElseIf nextId = strings.Length Then
        Dim newSize = nextId * 2
        If newSize = 0 Then newSize = 4
        Array.Resize(strings, newSize)
      End If
      str = New XmlDictionaryString(Me, value, nextId)
      strings(nextId) = str
      lookup.Add(value, str)
      nextId += 1
    End If
    Return str
  End Function

  Public Function TryLookup(xds As XmlDictionaryString, ByRef result As XmlDictionaryString) As Boolean Implements IXmlDictionary.TryLookup
    Return lookup.TryGetValue(xds.Value, result)
  End Function

  Public Function TryLookup(key As Integer, ByRef result As XmlDictionaryString) As Boolean Implements IXmlDictionary.TryLookup
    If key < 0 OrElse key >= nextId Then
      result = Nothing
      Return False
    End If
    result = strings(key)
    Return True
  End Function

  Public Function TryLookup(value As String, ByRef result As XmlDictionaryString) As Boolean Implements IXmlDictionary.TryLookup
    Return lookup.TryGetValue(value, result)
  End Function

End Class

10 March 2018

Liver transplant

Quick not to self, I'm one year post liver transplant. Way to go me.

f2 button no wifi radio Dell XPS 12 9Q33

Reinstalling windows 10 on my old laptop, and I remembered what a fuss it is.

If your wifi doesn't work,  it might be because pressing Fn+F2 has no effect. Usually for F* buttons, you need to install the Dell QuickSet utility, but for the F2 button you need to install the "Dell Airplane mode switch driver", from the file "Network_Driver_PX8MM_WIN64 1.0.0 A00.EXE".

If you look in "device drivers" you'll notice at least one unrecognised device before you install it.

Dell's community site has locked all the threads on this, with the proposed solution of using the on-screen keyboard (doesn't work) or getting a new keyboard (doesn't work if your just missing a driver.).